Focallure Bangladesh Limited is actively engaged with Corporate Social Responsibilities. As a part of this we are concern about combating climate change by becoming more carbon efficient and delivering sustainable value to society and communities is an integral part of our strategy 2020. With Official Paper Based work at the core of our business, we produce CO2 and other Greenhouse gases, the main cause of climate change. We initiated the GoGreen environmental protection program to accept responsibility for the environment by reducing our impact.
In Our corporate Office and Outlet operations we are practicing complete PAPERLESS OFFCICE MANGEMENT SYSTEM from 2019. The contribution is increasing day by day according to the policy of CBEEX.
China Beijing Environment Exchange (CBEEX) is a comprehensive environmental equity transaction institution authorized by the Beijing Municipal Government. It is an unique and professional platform for trading all kinds of environmental equity.CBEEX is a corporative institution initiated by the China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX), who aims to exchange environmental equity in public.